This is the iMammalia website, to accompany the iMammalia mobile application available at:
for Apple devices:
for Android devices:
The iMammalia App is designed to encourage recording of mammals in the wild. The (beta) test version of the mobile application is set up to easily record mammals in four pilot countries: Spain, Germany, Poland and Croatia. Sightings can be recorded from other countries across Europe, but currently the species list is limited to larger mammals found in those four countries.
Sightings can be recorded anywhere, with or without photos, and all records will be reviewed by experts and made available to help with mapping the distribution of European mammals. You can check and update your records by logging into this website with the same details as used for the iMammalia mobile app.
The iMammalia App is part of a wider initiative, MammalNet that brings together different European academic and research institutions working on wildlife research, management. MammalNet aims to improve the quality and quantity of data on Mammals across Europe to support the management and conservation of species. MammalNet is funded by the European Food Safety Agency.